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PAYD Bringing ISS To Its Knees

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In defence. Not long back from the United Kingdom's defence Academy which is PAYD - my colleague and I were of the opinion the food was the best we'd had in any Mess.
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It was encouraged to place pictures on here (of a suitable size and format) and that offer still stands but I agree that a well written and presented blog that picks up support would be more affective.

I won't be posting pics here, cos I've stopped eating in the mess. I refuse to spend my cash on slop, just so i can show you lot.
All I hear is horror stories from the lads. It's practically starvation rations up north.

One guy said he goes the the mess after day shift and he gets hunger pains by 8pm.

Guys have complained they don't get enough meat in their meals. Apparently the are only entitled to 120g of protein no matter their physique or how strenuous they train. However, I bet the 3 meatballs they have been receiving doesn't even contain the mere 120g of protein.

One guy went to the mess, paid extra for a chicken wrap and got a tortilla wrap with nothing inside. Just 3 or 4 scraps.

I have nothing against the raf cooks, they are just doing their job to the ISS guide
lines, I just don't like that "Pay As You Starve" is f*cking over our very own guys.

I encourage the guys to write the ISS failings down, or nothing will get done about it. Put our own guys first before corporate profit.
Who is Chief of Staff HQ No 22 (Training) Group?

We congratulate ISS on winning the Contract following a rigorous evaluation process and look forward to forming a partnering relationship with ISS and working together to achieve the successful implementation of CRL.

Can't of been that rigorous otherwise he would be well aware of the complaints..... oh hang on, its easier to ignore a complaint as a whinge than look at the root cause of the problem. It also wouldn't surprise me that on the days the 'evaluation team' visited ISS pulled all the stoppers out and provided a veritble banquet.
We did send the link to this thread to ISS and one of the mods did approve a new member with an ISS email shortly after so they are probably aware of what has been said here and elsewhere but the fact of the matter is they won't sweat too much until you all repeatedly:

1. ask for the complaints book/form and fill it out en-masse.
2. Repeat (1) until food improves and do not let up...ever.
3. Use any chance of exposure to high ranking visits to all say the same thing i.e. my lads are starving...The food is rank etc etc.
4. Start well presented blogs for each camp that has problems...Many people started to read this guy whilst he was out in AFG 'link' It is possible and does get a great deal of notice paid to it if it is balanced, fair and interesting.
5. The final suggestion that you all know is to boycot the place...Not great as you have to work, train etc and need food to do it but if 1-4 don't work and people are not listening to you then so be it.

It is/was bred into all of us to not whinge and just get on with things...'you're servicemen FFS so crack on' and so on...Well word is that you are also human beings deserving of decent food at a reasonable price so instead of keeping it in the crewroom get the word out.
One of the guys i work with got some chicken wrap thing recently. The chicken was raw in the middle, no exageration, got a picture of it. In return he was allowed to select anything else that was the menu. However i think this should be reported to the appropriate authorities and not some pointless complaints book.
One of the guys i work with got some chicken wrap thing recently. The chicken was raw in the middle, no exageration, got a picture of it. In return he was allowed to select anything else that was the menu. However i think this should be reported to the appropriate authorities and not some pointless complaints book.

It only becomes pointless if you fail to use it. Come on listen to the advice on here, use the system as the Contract Monitoring team need evidence!!!!!
Doesn't matter if you use it, it still pointless if they perpetually ignore it as they do! Dont be so foolish!

The complaints/suggestions book usually seems to be ignored, that's true, but this is about using every tool available to you to make your point. If you take photos, write a blog and all the other good stuff but don't use the complaints book you give ISS and their supporters the opportunity to write everything else off as a minority view.
The complaints/suggestions book usually seems to be ignored, that's true, but this is about using every tool available to you to make your point. If you take photos, write a blog and all the other good stuff but don't use the complaints book you give ISS and their supporters the opportunity to write everything else off as a minority view.

Just for once TBJ is talking sense and I totally agree with him. Use the book, fill it up and if it is still ignored ask your Wobbly, who hopefully still has some balls left, to have a chat with the CO over a cup of coffee in the JRM so he can view the evidence himself.
Doesn't matter if you use it, it still pointless if they perpetually ignore it as they do! Dont be so foolish!

a while back the complaints book by itself was a powerful tool that I personally witnessed being used to great effect at Marham...Today you are being catered for by a large organisation that will only care if profit is affected...thats the way of commercial involvement.

So you say just using the complaints process is 'useless'...I'd agree with you on that one myself...It must still be used every day if your food isn't up to scratch in any way as one part of your roadmap to being heard and proving your point. If the book (I doubt it's still a book) is jammed full of complaints about quality and quantity for each day of the week when someone does repeatedly flag this issue up at every formal/informal meeting with an air officier or CASWO they will need to find out about it i.e. investigate...If they go to ISS and say 'show me your complaints for the past 6 months for this station' and there only a smattering (they will have included in the contract a threshold for number of complaints before they are forced to change their ways) are evident then the investigation stops in it's tracks and the instigator labelled bitter or a malcontent.

So look upon exercising the complaints process as preparing the ground for bigger things...plus the staff will feed back to ISS HQ that they are getting 20-30-40 complaints a day which may trigger some internal action.

One thing...I wouldn't put it past a company to 'lose' complaints so ask for a copy with a company reference to show it's been processed within 10 working days to be sent to you...If they have to do that dozens of times a day they'll get the message.
Contract Monitoring Team, every time! Ask how the feedback is formally logged, and what the process is for resolution. Also ask what timescales have been stipulated. I agree with Vim that complaints "may be lost", by ISS, and there will be a trigger threshold for action; officially documented, or otherwise.

Bloody disgrase, and you're paying for it!

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I sampled the culinory delights of Coningsby Mess last week and I have to say, it was fcuking sh1te.
I traelled back to Waddo last October to help celebrate a good friend leaving the forces after doing the max time possible...a stalwart of the mess at Waddo during his time (got me into the meat draw on a Friday lunch time!) and yet we had his lunch at the Assembly rooms in Lincoln...speaks volumes.

Off back for another couple of friends who are leaving mid July...Assembly rooms again. (not complaining mind...you walk out of that place straight into the Bail!). These sort of luncheons used to be what the mess was all about...getting on a whistle, meeting at 1200 in the bar knowing full well a few hours later you'd be 'trousered' and having a good laugh looking back on the leavers past plus ensuring you caught up with people you hadn't seen for a while from other sections around the station...others could finish work, get changed and join you as and when...Most on here know what I'm on about.
Most on here know what I'm on about.

You're on about something the Royal Air Force no longer cares about - tradition, respect and loyalty to it's personnel - some of whom have like you say, completed the maximum service to his/her country possible. I am not surprised that for "do's" of this nature and importance, people are looking outside the wire for a good service. An institution such as the WO's and SNCO's Mess should never be run for profit, it should be run for the benefit of it's members and that alone. Sad times.
I suggested this over a month ago; see my post #258. But to date, not a single piccy posted.
Oh aye, so I see mate :PDT_Xtremez_30:

I note that a lot of folk posting on this thread are ex-RAF and/or not singlies eating in the messes... maybe it's simply a case that people are quite prepared to whinge and whine but can't be arsed doing something about it. There have been an awful lot of suggestions put forward in this thread and if no-one has actually got off their arse to do something about the issue why the heck should those of us who don't have to eat the "ISS starvation menu" give a feck?
The situation is not going to go away all by itself so do something about it people - it's a civvy company providing a service for you, you have rights so do something about it FFS! Call in the Office of Fair Trading, create a blog, write letters to the papers, etc, etc but get your thumbs out of your chuffs and do something about it other than moaning to the bloke sat next to you!