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Stupid Snag Awards

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
While serving in the Tyre and Tank bay at a certain North Yorkshire Tornado base, I received a phone call from Eng Ops.

“Tyre and Tank bay, Sgt Slog speaking”.
“Ah Sgt Slog, it’s Eng Ops, a Tornado has just jettisoned its under-wing fuel tanks during take-off and they have landed in a field about 1 mile south of the Base, we want you to take a team, your tank lifting sling and go and recover them”.
“Certainly” says I, “but why do I need to take the lifting slings, if the tanks have come off after take-off they will just be a crumpled heap in some farmer’s field now?”
“We have got an independent report from an Officer on the scene who claims that the tanks are intact and he claims to have the circumstances in hand and is using his Tornado experience to control the situation” came the reply.

Totally confused now, we throw the gear into the Landover and set off south down the A1 to finally arrive at the field in question to be met by a Rockape Flying Officer (this is not a dig at the regiment, I am just relating the truth).

“Sgt can I help you?”
“Yes Sir, I’m looking for the experienced officer who is in control of the crash Site”.
“That will be me” he says, “come with me and I will show you the point of impact”.

He takes us down the field about 200 yards to two dirty great craters about 20 yards apart and 10 feet deep and each one has a totally squashed fuel tank lying in about 3 feet of aviation fuel.

“Are you the Officer who reported that these tanks were intact?” I asked.
“Yes that was me” came the reply.
“And what Tornado experience did you use to come up with the reasoning that these fuel tanks that use to be 15 feet long and now are less than 1 foot long were still intact” I enquired in what could be only described as a rather incredulous and sarcastic voice.
“Well” he said, “I have been at the base for a year now and I see them take off every day!”

How I did not throw him into the crater God only knows.

Just as a footnote: the Jockey denied any wrong doing until OC Eng threatened to ground the fleet and then he finally came up with the classic line of: “Well I might have caught the jettison button with my flying glove finger when I selected the undercarriage up!”

Combet Sheep

Ali Al a few years ago. having crewed out of one jet our gallant aircrew proceeded to the spare. Female Nav call over a fairy and explains that the TIALD pod wasnt working. Failry points out that this aircraft has not got a Tiald pod fitted.

Cue red faced but still very cute nav.


Trekkie Nerd
Aircrew: MMS fails BITE everytime
Me: That's 'cos it's LIM'd Sir

Al Kharj, OP Resinate, first sortie of each det by at least one Crew:

Nav: My Chaff & Flare doesn't work
Me: I bet you've got fault codes XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX etc.

Nav: Yes, how do you know?
Me: 'Cos your pins are still in

Nav: But we don't get this back in the UK
Me: That's because the Pilot takes the pins out on his walk round and out here, they get taken out at the end of the runway

Nav: Well there's nothing to tell me how many Flares I've got fitted.
Me: I refer you to my previous answer

Nav: I'm still not happy
Me: I tell you what Sir, you take the jet to the end of the runway and when the pins are taken out, if you still have problems, I'll come down. I bet I don't see you until you land.

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Ali Al a few years ago. having crewed out of one jet our gallant aircrew proceeded to the spare. Female Nav call over a fairy and explains that the TIALD pod wasnt working. Failry points out that this aircraft has not got a Tiald pod fitted.

Cue red faced but still very cute nav.

That wouldn't be Nikki by any chance would it?


OM12 vs OX26

OM12 vs OX26

This was a cracking idea as most able chimps were able to tell the difference between square/rectanglular and round......now in yet another round of cost cutting measures (read "cheapest tender") BOTH OM-15 and OX-26 now come in the same size square/rectangular can.....just asking for mistakes to happen.

I think you will find it has happened at RAF Valley allready and there is now an SI out for the Hawk fleet to check the correct oil is on the correct risbridger before replenishment!
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Tashied Goatee
I think you will find it has happened at RAF Valley allready and there is now an SI out for the Hawk fleet to check the correct oil is on the correct risbridger before replenishment!

See post #54 for the tonkas solution .....it still won't stop it happening...feckwits the lot of them.

Crack on..........:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Despite representations and pleas to go back to the round tin etc, the body of t1ts? responsible for air safety have said that's it's up to the engineers to read the tin etc and there's been no problems on VC10s etc. Now, that's fine apart from the fact that if people (on Tonkas) get used to the round tin/rectangular tin thing, then it's plain fcuking stupidity to change it FFS. It's yet another example of the tail wagging the dog. Change of contractor and he says that he doesn't supply OM15 in round tins etc. Tw@t who wrote the contract should've said' I want it in round tins, can you supply or shall I take this contract elsewhere?'. What's betting it will have been a Supply Officer type of thing (best intentions, but...ask the fcuking guys on the ground who use the stuff).:PDT_Xtremez_25:

"BEST INTENTIONS", nothing but cost cutting for the first tick in the box to getting promoted, the other being reduction in manpower without being detrimental to output, the pinnacle being; they get a spec rec if they can increase output! I bet it has not become known that all the om-15 risbridgers had to got to GEF to get modified with a longer downpipe to allow the bottom half of the new om-15 tins contents to be removed!!! That cost should be met by the bawbag that agreed the contract! In tonka world of years past to stop cross contam a round template and a square template was made up for the risbridgers, this basically "fixed" the errors. Why do they think the problem has gone away? thou should learn from mistakes or accept much ridicule and grief.


CAMRA Researcher
Many moons ago the Phantoms regularly had a snag, "No birdies in PD". Not being a fairy, I haven't a clue what that was. I could guess the PD as Pulse Doppler but what is the "Birdie" thing?

Showing my age as an old MCS tech!

The fault would have actually been "birdies in PD" - they were the solid lines that showed on the screen when noise was coming through the system at a single frequency. Sometimes they were straight, mostly the snag was "wineglass birdies" as they formed a U shape on the screen. Normally a 5A2 change or 4A1 !

I'll get my hairy marys on now and go away........:PDT_Xtremez_06:


Showing my age as an old MCS tech!

The fault would have actually been "birdies in PD" - they were the solid lines that showed on the screen when noise was coming through the system at a single frequency. Sometimes they were straight, mostly the snag was "wineglass birdies" as they formed a U shape on the screen. Normally a 5A2 change or 4A1 !

I'll get my hairy marys on now and go away........:PDT_Xtremez_06:
only after you cnuts had us take the pan out for a bit box change that wasn't needed:PDT_Xtremez_25:


only after you cnuts had us take the pan out for a bit box change that wasn't needed:PDT_Xtremez_25:

Always a favourite for the MCS dice-shakers...a BIT Box change. Remember 1 occasion when I asked the MCS guys if they were absolutely positive, without a shadow of doubt etc etc etc if the plumbers could refit the rear seatpan. Yeah no probs said the MCS there is not a chance in hell that the snag has anything to do with the BIT Box. Plumbers refit seatpan...yup, you guessed it..... the MCS f***wits wanted the BIT Box changed. Never let the plumbers refit the rear seat pan after that if there was still an MCS snag on the jet!


Rebel without a clue
Many moons ago had one from a Wessex pilot who insisted that the main rotor blades were intermittently flying out of track. Tried to explain that what he was seeing was the disc moving, either from his input or from ASE but he was having none of it. Got my own back by getting him out of the bar to view the ground-track. He asked what we'd done to fix it and the answer was, "It was simple really sir, we replaced the pilot!" Fcukwit.


Many moons ago had one from a Wessex pilot who insisted that the main rotor blades were intermittently flying out of track. Tried to explain that what he was seeing was the disc moving, either from his input or from ASE but he was having none of it. Got my own back by getting him out of the bar to view the ground-track. He asked what we'd done to fix it and the answer was, "It was simple really sir, we replaced the pilot!" Fcukwit.

A fellow liney was called to a crew-in snag on a Nimrod at St. Mawgan. Young OCU pilot explained how he was an ex split brain and he was taught that split pins were best fitted head uppermost and the legs bent into the castellations whenever possible! He showed said liney the offending split pin which had the legs fiited uppermost. The liney had the audacity to move the elevator trim wheel 180 degrees to cure the snag! Stupid growbag!


Flight Test Aircrew

Flight Test Aircrew

1. C-130 Post air test 700 snag: Para jump lights dim.
Work done and signed for: Jump lights bright/dim switch selected to bright. Satis.
Got told by team chief I couldn't put that 'cos it would offend the aircrew. My reply was " Do you really want me to lie on a legally binding document?"

2. Another C-130 snag: Wing leading edge overheat caption flashes intermittently. Using his obviously higher level of education, Flt Eng proceeds to describe how he has deduced exactly what the fault is. "There is a damaged cable in the loom as it passes through the wing root area - as the wings flex/flap during flight this is causing the cable to make/break a short circuit therefore putting the caption on"
I looked at him in total amazement and told him that unfortunately we had no spare slots for leckies but Billy Smart was looking for a suitable fookwit to be a clown. He never spoke to me again.

3. Airtest jockey on Jags is being marshalled out of slot and heads straight for marshaller. Does an emergency stop and calls for assistance. Tells me that he has no steering - I looks around a bit, selects nose wheel steering to on and walks off shaking my head in disgust. Funny how he never mentioned it on the de-brief !! Kn0bber.
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Wonky Tonka

Not in the book, but.....

Not in the book, but.....

Out on the line at Kinloss, got a call to go over to bay 13 to see if I could help the Aircrew out.

They were showing a group of schoolkids around the Nimrod, but were having trouble getting power on the jet.

Crew assured me that they had checked and double-checked all the switches upstairs and that the problem must be outwith the aircraft.

It was.........the Houchin wasn't running!

Houchin started, power applied satis, red faces all round for the crew:PDT_Xtremez_15:


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
78 Sqn FI - circa late 1992.
Chinny Snag was something like:
"Restriction felt in cyclic control at approx 13:00@1.5 inches fwd".

After some time we were unable to reproduce the fault so I made the descision to find it again in flight.
We removed the soundproofing on the controls Broom Cupboard and I sat on the Jump Seat - and off we went, me watching the controls and them wobbling the stick all over the place to find it again. after another "some time" we give up.
On the way back the Snagging Jockey mentions "The Boss (a rather large Queenie Squabbling Bleeder) was sat where you are at the time", and suddenly I have the answer!
"So... If I lean here"....."YES!" says the Jockey. Fault confirmed.
I go back to the Line office and close the 707(whatever-it-was) with the Line:
"Suspect Fat ******* sat in Jump Seat" (he'd gone back to UK by this time)


Daft snags

Daft snags

Yeah we got one last week from a grumpy air engineer.

The captain had persuaded him to write in the F700.............'fuel leaking during fuel dump operations'.........you can imagine what we said when we read that one.


Little Tronk

On a cold pan in Labrador crew-in for rigger, SNEC bimbles over to be told by the growbag in the front that his ECS does not work...................to which the rigger replies "start your engines". Brilliant, bring back Goose.

Similar one......."No ECS flow to cockpit!" Thats because the canopy is open and you would be trying to pressurise the world!!!!:raf:

Then there was a Sengo of a certain north yorkshire F3 Sqn who, on APC in Cyprus, had a habit of standing on the end of the pan when the jets taxiied out. Suddenly he started waving frantically at one jet, stopping it dead and calling me over. "There is fuel P***ing out from underneath!" he screams, that'll be the water extracter drain Sir!
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Canberra tip tanks.

Canberra tip tanks.

We had the Canberras for a few days and were getting used to them. One was reported u/s for a leaking tip tank which was duly changed by the engine
and airframe lads. It went up on air test and on return was snagged for the
G4b compass, it pointed to any direction, but not neccesarilly the way the nose was pointing! The instrument boys went hairless trying to find the fault until one young lad straight from Melksham a few days piped up with. "Have you checked the flux detector"? The reply was. "How the blood hell can we, weve had two Canberra's for three days, 101 sqdn have had four for two months and neither sqdn has had the Vol 1 yet". The little knowitall fresh from Melksham knew (he would) "Its in the port wing tip near the tip tank." (No body twigged anything yet) The cover plate was removed and there was the flux detector, stencilled on it were the words. NO FERROUS METALS WITHIN 12 INCHES. underneath the detector was a six inch by one inch high tensile steel bolt! One had been dropped while changing the tip tank and rather than look for it, a new one had been drawn from stores. The airframe and engine lads who didi the change were strangely eabsent till the smoke had died down!!!
I have quite a few tales to tell about Canberra's and Lincolns if your interested!

Canberra man