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Trade Group 1 Pay Rise

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Any type of annual bonus would be nice, any sort of pay rise this year would e welcome too. Come on, make a damn announcement!


Hi Webbo
Bears out wat I see a Job Fairs and the longest queues being for BAE and the dreaded Baffoon A/C and its New Contract in Sunny Clims.. Never seen so many young Linnies appending their details.. Rgds Glad off Circus

If the pay rise doesnt happen for TG1, the PVR rate will increase!!:PDT_Xtremez_44:
To be honest with you! I actually enjoy my job, more money would be help full! I just cant imagine people staying if they dont give TG 1 a pay rise! Not when other non technical trade group have been put on to the higher pay band!!
I dont think an immediate PVR rate would happen , I just think when it comes to peoples time over many TG1 will not sign on, if you ask every TG1 personnel right now you would be looking well above 50% who are not going to do further service and the money issue is one of the main reasons.

Promotion , lack of direction from the leaders, increase time overseas, I could go on with reasons we all have our own.

The point to note is something has to change , wether it does or note remains to be seen but to continue like this signals danger ahead, im sure all other TG have been in the same boat hence the retention to High pay scales, with Techies they cannot do that.
Like many others i am happy with my job and don't consider PVR as an option-more so with the current economy etc. The pay level we are currently on as techies/TG1 is not that bad. But as all other trade groups seem to be coming into the higher band i feel this is unjust to our trade group, lets be honest we are liable for working on and signing for aircraft servicability some of which carrying hundreds of passengers!! I have also heard the rumours that we are going to be paid more, will be nice but im not gonna rush out and upgrade the car just yet.
Is this idea still pie in the sky, or is it reality? Without having to go through the whole 31 pages or so of this fred could anyone precis what firm details we have so far about a potential increase in pay for technical trades?
Sgt S, I can confirm that there is NOTHING in the pipeline for TG1 to get a pay increase in the near future. The single payspine is still only an aspiration but at this moment in time nothing more than that. It would seem to me that our beloved * officers liketo make themselves popular by making very vague comments tha might cometo fruition in front of aggressive audiences.:PDT_Xtremez_28:
To be honest it doesn't make sense to stay on past 22 years now. Every SNCO I know at Lyneham is picking their tits up and leaving at 22. The extra 7 years would lose me approx 70 in pension payouts. Im sure that the extra pension you get for the extra 7 years would not get to anywhere near 70 grand unless you lived to the ripe old age of 158.

Last year I went to a civvy aircraft licensing lecture presented to us by Bristol College at Lyneham. The room was packed to the gunnels and when the annual wage for an aircraft mechanical techie with couple of type ratings was annouced (40-55 grand per year) they realised that the civvies are getting a shed more for doing what they do in the RAF without the constant 4-6 months away a year and all the other ossociated bullsh!t. To make things worse the avionics and electrical lads can command a higher salary due to there being less of them about.

You can do a 4 month fast track course at Bristol and we've already lost around 10 lads in the last 12 months who are now working in the civvy aerospace industry getting paid shed loads for working shifts, have a good pension and have decent, properly funded working environments instead of having to canabalise the feck out of US aircraft just to make ends meeet.

The RAF is a flying club being ran on a shoestring and is an embarrasment compared to when I joined up in the 80's. No wonder the Army get so wound up with aircraft going U/S. The fact is they don't understand that if we have no spares then things don't fly.

I can't see us getting anymore dosh. People at the top seem to have lost all vision and seem to be only interested in looking after themselves. I've seen the RAF fall to peices over the last 24 years and the clame lies firmly to those in charge.

Too much change in too short a time ...

We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganization; and what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralization.''

Petronius Arbiter - Greek Navy - 210 BC

Anyway....back on thread eh :)
TG1 Pay

TG1 Pay

Do the MOD not realise what's going on?

"We are more than 1000 Aircraft Technicians down" ( a direct quote from the Boss at Waddo) and it's going to get worse. A lot of TG1 people are sick to the back teeth of being treat like Sh*** and are keen to leave. We do work for MT,GEF and we do most of our own admin, oh yeah, we now do two trades thanks to multi skilling. All of this and no pay reward.
What would happen if TG1 personnel tried to remuster to one of the cushier jobs like admin. Working in a nice aircon office and afternoons off for sport. All for the same pay..
Come on, listen to the work force and pay us more otherwise the Aircraft will be grounded in a few years.
What other company would pay their administration staff and drivers the same as their engineers.............................you couldn't make it up.:PDT_Xtremez_28:
Do the MOD not realise what's going on?

"We are more than 1000 Aircraft Technicians down" ( a direct quote from the Boss at Waddo) and it's going to get worse. A lot of TG1 people are sick to the back teeth of being treat like Sh*** and are keen to leave. We do work for MT,GEF and we do most of our own admin, oh yeah, we now do two trades thanks to multi skilling. All of this and no pay reward.
What would happen if TG1 personnel tried to remuster to one of the cushier jobs like admin. Working in a nice aircon office and afternoons off for sport. All for the same pay..
Come on, listen to the work force and pay us more otherwise the Aircraft will be grounded in a few years.
What other company would pay their administration staff and drivers the same as their engineers.............................you couldn't make it up.:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Funny thing - I was looking this up today!
One of the armourers at Wittering is remustering to PTI, he's been given a date for his ' with a jump feet together-place' course, I thought you could'nt re-muster down? although he did threaten to PVR if they did'nt let him
Ive been saying this for years now ,its the people that lead that have to take full responsability for what state we are in right now. Too many people caring about number 1 and not what they look after has neglected the lower scale of things for years.
With so many decision makers and not enough people to do it, there seems to be no way out of this mess.
I said I would only extend my career if ther eis a rapid change in the way the company is run, right now I cannot see how that is going to happen.

Such a shame 22 years and I will have seen the RAF crumble, maybe it is time to look at handing over the command to the Army and Navy as at least they seem to have leaders better than ours.
IMO its the product of being led by people who have minimal contact with the troops that work for them until they reach quite a senior position. Unfortunately the myth still persists that every officer really wanted to be a fast jet pilot, and that everyone who isn't is in some way second class (or worse, if you are an ex-ranker). And in my experience, there's a lot of them that really believe it. They are so used to every facet being taken care of to ensure that the pilot and machine get into the air, right up to strapping them into the thing, that they imagine that it applies to the rest of the activities in the RAF. I suspect it'll take smoking holes, due to inexperienced or over-stretched engineers and engineering assets, or failure of the engineering effort to provide them with the aircraft required, for engineers and their skills to be valued again. By which time it'll be too late.

The one thing to be said in favour of army officers, is that at the platoon or troop commander level, the opinion of the seniors that work for him is likely to be sought, and a failure to lead, including asking your blokes to do something you couldn't or wouldn't do yourself, is likely to prejudice a decent appraisal. Welfare of the troops is instilled in the army, as a lance-jack many moons ago, I made sure that my blokes passed in front of me in the queue in the mess and always ate before me, they always got as much sleep as I could get them when on exercise etc. I also remember being set off at the back of the BFT, behind all the recruits, on a potential NCOs course at Catterick. Anyone who didn't beat the vast majority of recruits was seriously marked down for it. (I'm sure we can all contrast this with the behaviour displayed by crews and officers on occasion). Crap examples I know, but there was a unit identity and pride that is lacking throughout much of the RAF.
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One of the armourers at Wittering is remustering to PTI, he's been given a date for his ' with a jump feet together-place' course, I thought you could'nt re-muster down? although he did threaten to PVR if they did'nt let him

a fine example of what i beleive to be wrong in the air force today
a fine example of what i beleive to be wrong in the air force today

To be fair I know of several individuals who have attempted remustering in the past to be told a straight 'no' if they were a list 1 trade.

I recently could not be released from trade for Radiographer due to being an aircraft techie supervisor.
I met a Rock on JMLC who was doing his Engineering Degree on day release or OU, would applied to remuster to TG1. They told him no chance any time soon, while they were short of gunners.
To be fair I know of several individuals who have attempted remustering in the past to be told a straight 'no' if they were a list 1 trade.

I recently could not be released from trade for Radiographer due to being an aircraft techie supervisor.

Funny that the bosses say there is no problem with our numbers and yet refuse to let us remuster to another TG...