Do the MOD not realise what's going on?
"We are more than 1000 Aircraft Technicians down" ( a direct quote from the Boss at Waddo) and it's going to get worse. A lot of TG1 people are sick to the back teeth of being treat like Sh*** and are keen to leave. We do work for MT,GEF and we do most of our own admin, oh yeah, we now do two trades thanks to multi skilling. All of this and no pay reward.
What would happen if TG1 personnel tried to remuster to one of the cushier jobs like admin. Working in a nice aircon office and afternoons off for sport. All for the same pay..
Come on, listen to the work force and pay us more otherwise the Aircraft will be grounded in a few years.
What other company would pay their administration staff and drivers the same as their couldn't make it up.