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Allowance review inbound...


Staff member
1000+ Posts

It s fine to say IE gone, HTD reduced ect...

But what we cannot have is direct copy and pastes from intranets or emails...

Carry on!


For the majority it isnt too bad.

LOA is being revised, but not changed too badly.
FIA reduced by about 25%.
Boarding school allowance remains untouched.
Daily subsistance reduced slightly.
GYH private will not change for the majority
GYH public minimum distance is going up to 3 miles from 1 this year. Then up to 6 then 9 over the next two years.
Commitment bonuses reduced from 15k to 7.5k for anyone joining the mob after today (lol)
A few other minor things, nothing to write home about.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Direct cut and paste from Downsizer's link

"IE is designed to reimburse expenditure on laundry....when such expenditure is incurred it is primarily associated with personal choice, rather than specifically relating to a Service need".

When on det and courses in the future I suggest you don't sit next to me. As having a clean uniform is a personal choice and not a requirement any more I may just not bother.:PDT_Xtremez_42:

Another cut and paste,

"Although it is recognised that in practice Service personnel have very little choice where they serve and, if they live in public accommodation, where they are housed, it is considered reasonable that they should expect to bear broadly similar travel to work costs as their civilian counterparts (9 miles is the average distance travelled by UK workers)."

In my experience RAF camps tend to have little to no public transport to them meaning our potential costs will be higher. I don't claim HTD and don't plan to in the future unless in my own house again so it doesn't really affect me but this statement just winds me up.

It's still two fingers right in our face in my opinion. Defence Estates are poor enough when it comes to looking after us, now the MoD as a whole is pretty much telling us to ef off.
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Flight Sergeant
As a final kick in the slats and aid the PVR rate are they going to scrap the rank of C/T and put techies on the lower pay band?

Our trade lost both the CT and JT ranks a few years back and it's mangled our manning and promotions for all ranks below FS for the last few years- don't be suprised if other trades follow suit and if they do, be prepared to grab your ankles in order to get upped...


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Nothing like I feared in fairness. Shame flying pay wasn't cut!

No mention of DS changing to non-receipt based.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
What I find incredulous is that they have nibbled away at the DS rate to save £250k a year but they are still happy to spend £1m+ on paying people and interpreters to deduce if I have had a bottle of water too many in an 8 hour period!


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
On the whole, that wasnt too bad. At our briefing, there were two issues that irritated the audience:

1. The PC for HDT (Public). As we have no control over whether our SFA is outside the main gate or 9 miles down the road, how does making us pay for the privilege of working somewhere we dont want to be, and living somewhere we dont want to live fit in with the "core principles" that were behind this review. I was sat next to a fellow goater, Stig, and he is expecting his section to be innundated with taskings to run shuttle buses from dispersed SFA locations to base.

2. The reduction in DS by £1.68. As Vim alludes to, they have saved £250K by this move, but spend far in excess of that on the salaries of auditors. They could have saved far more by cutting DS to £20 and scrapping the receipt system. If a £1.68 cut saves £250K, then a £6.68 cut will save £845K, and then add on the £1 million spent on auditing, giving an overall saving of almost £2 million!

Of course the lack of change to the flying pay rates & criteria didnt go un-noticed, but then again turkeys dont vote for Christmas do they!!
For the majority it isnt too bad.

LOA is being revised, but not changed too badly.
FIA reduced by about 25%.
Boarding school allowance remains untouched.
Daily subsistance reduced slightly.
GYH private will not change for the majority
GYH public minimum distance is going up to 3 miles from 1 this year. Then up to 6 then 9 over the next two years.
Commitment bonuses reduced from 15k to 7.5k for anyone joining the mob after today (lol)
A few other minor things, nothing to write home about.

"Boarding school allowance remains untouched."

Funny that!!!! Interesting to know the ratio of officer to ORs who utilise this!

Although not exactly true! If you read deeper they will be checking on the mobility of the service individual. Which ties in nicely with the 2year postings of officers!!!!


Flight Sergeant
Although not exactly true! If you read deeper they will be checking on the mobility of the service individual. Which ties in nicely with the 2year postings of officers!!!!

You're are correct - that statement is not true at all.

CEA has always been linked to mobility (ie it is to give children a continuity of eductation that they would not receive if they changed schools everytime their Service parent was posted). There is no link to a 2 year posting.

Manners are required to confirm that there is a likelihood that an individual will be posted further than 50 miles from their unit in the following 4 years everytime a new eligibility certificate is required.

The requirement for an automatic review of eligibilty changed in the last review. It would now be triggered if an individual hasn't moved family home as a result of 2 consecutive tours rather than the previous 3 consecutive tours.

Interesting to know the ratio of officer to ORs who utilise this!

Obviously the comparison would need to be like against like if it is to be worthwhile to it should be the ratio of officers with children of school are to ORs with children of school are who utilise this.
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