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Allowance review inbound...

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Nothing like I feared in fairness. Shame flying pay wasn't cut!

No mention of DS changing to non-receipt based.

Why is it a shame flying pay wasn't cut? So not only do you expect them to sh1t out as we all have on rates/HTD etc etc you want them to lose part of their pay? Nice one.


Thank God nothing was said about pensions... 44 days and counting!!
Why is it a shame flying pay wasn't cut? So not only do you expect them to sh1t out as we all have on rates/HTD etc etc you want them to lose part of their pay? Nice one.

I think most people want to see those who are claiming flying pay but doing a desk job get flying pay removed.


The Reserve Band (of all specialist pay types) has been shortened (ie the amount of time they can spend in a desk job and still get flying pay) from 6 years to 3 - however this does not kick in until 1 Apr 12.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Why is it a shame flying pay wasn't cut? So not only do you expect them to sh1t out as we all have on rates/HTD etc etc you want them to lose part of their pay? Nice one.

It's something that's awarded which has no direct comparison to cost. Petrol goes up, HTD has gone down, DS goes down yet VAT has gone up. Does it cost them any more to fly? No... so they could have shared the burden of the cuts.


Flight Sergeant
Making an appearance on RAF Bird's command...

I think most people want to see those who are claiming flying pay but doing a desk job get flying pay removed.

That's exactly what the Reserve Banding announcement is all about. Significant changes there as well as the complete loss of Specialist Pay(Flying) on PVR.

Plus more to come as all forms of Specialist Pay will be subject to a further review this year.


Thoroughly Nice Chap
For the majority it isnt too bad.

LOA is being revised, but not changed too badly.
FIA reduced by about 25%.
Boarding school allowance remains untouched.
Daily subsistance reduced slightly.
GYH private will not change for the majority
GYH public minimum distance is going up to 3 miles from 1 this year. Then up to 6 then 9 over the next two years.
Commitment bonuses reduced from 15k to 7.5k for anyone joining the mob after today (lol)
A few other minor things, nothing to write home about.

And the definition of "changed but not too badly"?


I have had a quick look at the summary on the PMS website. Just a quick one for the shinney's, is GYH(T) the same as GYH(M)?
You're are correct - that statement is not true at all.

CEA has always been linked to mobility (ie it is to give children a continuity of eductation that they would not receive if they changed schools everytime their Service parent was posted). There is no link to a 2 year posting.

Manners are required to confirm that there is a likelihood that an individual will be posted further than 50 miles from their unit in the following 4 years everytime a new eligibility certificate is required.

The requirement for an automatic review of eligibilty changed in the last review. It would now be triggered if an individual hasn't moved family home as a result of 2 consecutive tours rather than the previous 3 consecutive tours.

Obviously the comparison would need to be like against like if it is to be worthwhile to it should be the ratio of officers with children of school are to ORs with children of school are who utilise this.

Instead of being so ready to correct my comment, maybe you should have a look at this forum and all the others and see how peeved off and let down those with their noses to the grindstone are feeling and next time you get a chance to talk to someone of influence TELL THEM!!!!


Flight Sergeant
It's something that's awarded which has no direct comparison to cost. Petrol goes up, HTD has gone down, DS goes down yet VAT has gone up. Does it cost them any more to fly? No... so they could have shared the burden of the cuts.

A lot of people see flying pay as just another officer loophole perk, as where it's issued to entitled personnel irrespective of whether they are actually flying for their current post - I can understand this being given if the individual WANTS to be in a flying post but is forced into a desk job, but if the desk job is opted for then it should be WITHOUT flying pay. With that said, all that would happen would be that nobody volunteered (on JPA) to take a desk job, but would instead 'be coerced' by the manning desk - particularly if they had already voiced an interest in the job. Just MHO...

Just realised that I may have quoted from the wrong post, but I suppose it's a relevant one at least!


I have had a quick look at the summary on the PMS website. Just a quick one for the shinney's, is GYH(T) the same as GYH(M)?

The piece of paper I have in fornt of me states that GYH(T) reduced to 25p (from 26p and 31p for other GYH rates). I would think that includes GYH(M), I stand to lose around £45 a month on that one.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
It's something that's awarded which has no direct comparison to cost. Petrol goes up, HTD has gone down, DS goes down yet VAT has gone up. Does it cost them any more to fly? No... so they could have shared the burden of the cuts.

They are sharing the burden of the cuts in losing their HTD, DS, LOA etc etc... so you actually want them to feel a larger burden just because they have a different job to you? Fair thinking that.


They are sharing the burden of the cuts in losing their HTD, DS, LOA etc etc... so you actually want them to feel a larger burden just because they have a different job to you? Fair thinking that.

Given that those on flying pay are likely to be on a substantial salary in the first place I think it is fair that they should shoulder what I consider to be their fair share.

I think it is fair to say that comparatively they are losing out less than most OR's, after all they still get to fly and by sitting at a level higher than most people on a station are somewhat immune to the daily RAF BS.

When I was on a deployable unit I was paid LSA for the days that I was deployed, not for the fact that <could> be deployed but that I was, I can't see how it is any different for a pilot, they are either flying or they are not.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
How many posts are we away from debating flying suits I wonder...:PDT_Xtremez_42:


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Why is it a shame flying pay wasn't cut? So not only do you expect them to sh1t out as we all have on rates/HTD etc etc you want them to lose part of their pay? Nice one.

Of course nobody begrudges a pilot flying pay when they are employed on flying duties, just as nobody begrudges a mine-clearer extra money when they are employed on clearing duties.

The difference is that in their next posting, the armourer in the stn armoury doesnt continue to receive his danger money, whilst the pilot flying a desk does.

I dont expect you to accept this, particularly as you are shacked up with a fly-boy!


Higher Pay Band Shiney
They are sharing the burden of the cuts in losing their HTD, DS, LOA etc etc... so you actually want them to feel a larger burden just because they have a different job to you? Fair thinking that.

Depends on your definition of fair I suppose - you clearly think that treating everyone the same is fair. I, for one, most certainly do not. I think proportionately these cuts will have less of an impact on a Wg Cdr than they will have on a SAC. Therefore I think they are unfair.


Flight Sergeant
Instead of being so ready to correct my comment, maybe you should have a look at this forum and all the others and see how peeved off and let down those with their noses to the grindstone are feeling and next time you get a chance to talk to someone of influence TELL THEM!!!!

And you think that I don't? However, it is always better to argue a case from the basis of fact rather than rumour.

This 'we get p*ssed on while the officers get away with everything' misses the point.

If you look at any of the allowance changes that will not be implemented across the board you will see that the axe falls harder on the more senior. ie:

LOA - reductions are greater at chf tech - WO and sqn ldr-air mshl.

RRA(L) stopped for all those sgt and above but retained for cpl and below (wef 1 Apr 12)​

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Given that those on flying pay are likely to be on a substantial salary in the first place I think it is fair that they should shoulder what I consider to be their fair share.

I think it is fair to say that comparatively they are losing out less than most OR's, after all they still get to fly and by sitting at a level higher than most people on a station are somewhat immune to the daily RAF BS.

When I was on a deployable unit I was paid LSA for the days that I was deployed, not for the fact that <could> be deployed but that I was, I can't see how it is any different for a pilot, they are either flying or they are not.

What a load of absolute toss. Typically narrow minded post by someone who doesn't have a clue.

Man A that drives x distance loses the same as Man B that drives the same difference reegardless of what payband/flyingpay etc he is on. Should a teckie who has earnt the right to be on the higher payband lose some of the higher payband money just so that I feel better that he isn't earning so much? Dont be such a fool. People like you really stand out as the one's who are jealous of what said aircrew have achieved... i.e earning a better wage at school. If your that jealous of it get yourself off to Cranners.