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CPL - SGT Board 2011

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So I phoned manning today to find out what my options are for my next post after my current overseas post. Got no joy but did however get told that they are looking to release 30 IMMEDIATELY from this years board and was told to call back after it had been ratified as this may free up some posts for me.
For those who have a ticket good luck!


Is this a wind up?
looking to release 30 IMMEDIATELY from this years board

So the quota this year is a lot less, and they said they didn't need as many off the last board as they predicted? 80 I think they got to instead of 110?
So the 30 they are looking to release could have come off the last board and that would have taken them to the predicted figures. I am sure this is more that were immediately released last year?

oh well there is always this year or next year or next year......
The trade specialist for the board is a WO Ex11. so we will see how the split goes.....
best not hold our breath!!!:PDT_Xtremez_42:
Are you trying to say that a WO of good standing would be swayed by allegience to a Trade which no longer exists as opposed to judging people in trade fairly, regardless of their previous role in the Royal Air Force........


Thought you were... Just checking!



Will be interesting to see the immediate release numbers. Considering they cut the last board numbers. I heard that there is a provisional list already which seems very quick. I don't have the connections but it appears some do?
The trade specialist for the board is a WO Ex11. so we will see how the split goes.....
best not hold our breath!!!:PDT_Xtremez_42:

It'll be more interesting looking at the TCW vs Rest of the trade split.
It'll be more interesting looking at the TCW vs Rest of the trade split.

I assume if there are 25% of the TG4 Cpls currently on 90SU then surely there will be about 25% of the PSL going in that direction........

or am I pi$$ing in the wind?

Will be interesting to see the immediate release numbers. Considering they cut the last board numbers. I heard that there is a provisional list already which seems very quick.

Can you elaborate on this point?!
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bloke down the pub said

bloke down the pub said

Have seen somewhere they were looking for 30 fairly quickly, mostly with ex 3 background. Kick in the teeth for anyone who missed out last board and have run out of time. Might just be pre-board info they were talking about.
Heard about the initial 30 but not really suprised if it is Ex-3 biased after what happened with the Sgt/Fs board (ring fenced slots anyone?)
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Heard about the initial 30 but not really suprised if it is Ex-3 biased after what happened with the Sgt/Fs board (ring fenced slots anyone?)

Very negative views on here, Ive only just become competetitive, ex 11 and a B grade, but Im still hopefull. I dont expect it obviously, but I wouldnt turn it down.

Good luck anyway to everyone on the board.
It's not negative SD, its fact. The missing out of people released on the PSL to fill "ring fenced" slots was rife.

Good luck to everyone
by "ring fenced slots", are you saying that someone, say a CPL has been told they will be getting promoted and given a specific SGT slot?

How could this be justified? This would make a complete mockery of the whole system, or am I not understanding this correctly?
Manning jumped through the numbers to fill ring fenced slots that required a certain Q. Operational requirements maybe but if you were say 11 on a board and were still waiting to hear but number 20 who sits across the office get his/her offer wouldn't you be a bit pi$$ed.....would have thought that at this kind of level (Sgt/FS), a manager is a manager.

Correct me if I am wrong but if you are released to the PSL then you will be promoted.

You will be, just not in the order that the promotion board placed you
So what's the problem? They will still be getting promoted.

This climate then people should be grateful that they are getting promoted.
Manning jumped through the numbers to fill ring fenced slots that required a certain Q. Operational requirements maybe but if you were say 11 on a board and were still waiting to hear but number 20 who sits across the office get his/her offer wouldn't you be a bit pi$$ed.....would have thought that at this kind of level (Sgt/FS), a manager is a manager.

The trouble is in some posts a manager is not just a manager. There are jobs out there that require specialist knowledge and experience, that's why some posts are flagged as requiring someone with those skills. If the next person off the board is not capable of filling that slot they have to move on to the next.
Always gonna happen

Always gonna happen

It was always one of the problems merging a trade with an unskilled trade, but expecting them to do the same job. The ex 11 FS slots seemed to be more of management/ admin role. However the ex 3 slots, especially those ex CT slots had a lot of specialist knowledge.

Back on topic good luck everyone.
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