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How Many JTs Are Actualy Left?

Bet you were a mech (tech) though:PDT_Xtremez_32:

Long live the Mech(T) rah rah rah.

Was told when l joined up l could only be a Mech(M) however fiddled it to become a Mech(T) in the end :)

Goto love re-trading.

Miss my JT rank, now just a glorified JT, slightly better pay and far too much ****e to go with it, and agree with the fact that most of the cpl's on our desk are doing pretty much all the rect's as the lads (JT's/SAC(T)) are running round like blue arsed fly's trying to service a multude of a/c, and doing the see off's see in's they are fecked come the end of the night and don't get much time on trade. mind you our sncec's do ok just lounging about in blue's ::P:

It's getting to the point that we are having to employ the AMM's in giving trade assist as much as possible, considering all they signed up for atm is to kick tyres and light the fires.

Going to get worse tho, what with a fare few peeps PVR'ing will hit my sqn pretty bad imo over the next few months of 2007.

Oh ye Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all :PDT_Xtremez_32:


Tashied Goatee
Long live the Mech(T) rah rah rah.

Was told when l joined up l could only be a Mech(M) however fiddled it to become a Mech(T) in the end :)

Goto love re-trading.

Miss my JT rank, now just a glorified JT, slightly better pay and far too much ****e to go with it, and agree with the fact that most of the cpl's on our desk are doing pretty much all the rect's as the lads (JT's/SAC(T)) are running round like blue arsed fly's trying to service a multude of a/c, and doing the see off's see in's they are fecked come the end of the night and don't get much time on trade. mind you our sncec's do ok just lounging about in blue's ::P:

It's getting to the point that we are having to employ the AMM's in giving trade assist as much as possible, considering all they signed up for atm is to kick tyres and light the fires.

Going to get worse tho, what with a fare few peeps PVR'ing will hit my sqn pretty bad imo over the next few months of 2007.

Oh ye Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all :PDT_Xtremez_32:

Hmmmmm...why do i get the feeling i should know you ?? EVERYTHING you say rings true with the sqn i am on....got a feeling we may be in adjoining offices.....are we ?
Hmmmmm...why do i get the feeling i should know you ?? EVERYTHING you say rings true with the sqn i am on....got a feeling we may be in adjoining offices.....are we ?

Could be if your at Lossie,and on the other side of the airfield from 617.

And if you are and you are able to work it out dont post my name here lol :PDT_Xtremez_14:


Tashied Goatee
I find it hard to trust some of the fcukers i've seen to breath without prompting.

Initially i thought the same, but now out of 6 AMM's on the sqn (well we have 8 but the last 2 i have no idea about) that i have worked with, 2 would make reasonable mechs, 2 will make good techies and the other 2 should be released from service (one has tried but been told no).

Of the 2 who would make good techies, 1 is already thinking of going airman aircrew...good luck to him....probably the most switched on of the lot.

Overall they aint a bad bunch and i'm sure that due to manpower shortages they are getting much more trade work than they were expecting.

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
Of the 2 who would make good techies, 1 is already thinking of going airman aircrew...good luck to him....probably the most switched on of the lot.

Overall they aint a bad bunch and i'm sure that due to manpower shortages they are getting much more trade work than they were expecting.

What are you thinking about man letting him change to self loading freight, talk him out of it before it's too late.

By the way, the initial plan was to give them as much trade training as time allowed but some bright spark further up the pay scale has though it will be a dam spiffing idea to LEAN the AMM training which goes against all the good comments we have been receiving from you hard working, overstretched squadron boys and girls, about the initial bunch of AMMs.
Miss my JT rank ... most of the cpl's on our desk are doing pretty much all the rect's as the lads (JT's/SAC(T)) are running round like blue arsed fly's trying to service a multude of a/c, and doing the see off's see in's they are fecked come the end of the night and don't get much time on trade. mind you our sncec's do ok just lounging about in blue's.

It's getting to the point that we are having to employ the AMM's in giving trade assist as much as possible, considering all they signed up for atm is to kick tyres and light the fires.

It's been like that for yonks, my little friend. Back in the late 70s/early 80s, all the flight line work was done by LAC/SAC/JT, either tradesmen or FLM. Flem joined up for just that: Flight Line Mechanic, however there were never enough, so all non-NCO tradesmen did it as well. Come night-shift knock-off time, all FLM buggered off to the pigs bar and all tradesmen went onto rects. Whilst the flying was going on, all rects was done by NCOs, inc snecs. Only snecs in blues were the rects controller, flt sgt and wobbly. Even fairy snecs wore denims!

They just give it different names these days and call it progress. Chin up!


It's been like that for yonks, my little friend. Back in the late 70s/early 80s, all the flight line work was done by LAC/SAC/JT, either tradesmen or FLM. Flem joined up for just that: Flight Line Mechanic, however there were never enough, so all non-NCO tradesmen did it as well. Come night-shift knock-off time, all FLM buggered off to the pigs bar and all tradesmen went onto rects. Whilst the flying was going on, all rects was done by NCOs, inc snecs. Only snecs in blues were the rects controller, flt sgt and wobbly. Even fairy snecs wore denims!

They just give it different names these days and call it progress. Chin up!

And the ***kin FLMs got higher pay than single trade Mechs. It Changed to pay parity in October 1981, "The month I finished my Fitters Course!" Grrrr

Captain Gatso

As one of those rare type of airman that is still a JT. I know of a place that has a whole load working together. There is a small joke that goes around, about all of them waiting for the next bus heading for redundancy. I still like the fact that I have the bath taps of power. After all, no new bugger is ever going to get them. That is untill they change the whole techie system again.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
How many Techie JTs left?

Well as of 19 Dec 06 around 1150 - bet that suprised you all

More than I expected I'll give you some rough ratios of Mech/Av/Wpns when I get back to the Office

There are no more being created and roughly 16 a week become Cpl's, obviously some become lifex, some PVR, some die - but its still going to be a while before we can identify the real "Last JT"

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Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
How many Techie JTs left?

Well as of 19 Dec 06 around 1150 - bet that suprised you all

More than I expected I'll give you some rough ratios of Mech/Av/Wpns when I get back to the Office

OK the ratios of aircraft trades at Jnr Tech Rank





Master of my destiny
How many JTs left

How many JTs left

How many Techie JTs left?

Well as of 19 Dec 06 around 1150 - bet that suprised you all

More than I expected I'll give you some rough ratios of Mech/Av/Wpns when I get back to the Office

There are no more being created and roughly 16 a week become Cpl's, obviously some become lifex, some PVR, some die - but its still going to be a while before we can identify the real "Last JT"


Bet that figure doesn't include the ones who have recently PVRd because SAC techies are being promoted past them!

Lean "Lean" we are nearly

No proper JT's in RAF

No proper JT's in RAF

I would be very surprised if there are any real JT's left at all. Only pre aetr can be called it The dreaded DE (can't be any of them left at JT) or Mech's can in my opinion be called proper JT's. All you smally cnuts calling yourselves JT's are alluding to a club you will never be a part of if you were a mech tech of any describtion you are a smally, FACT. Real JT's never got their fitters after two years. ::P:

Captain Gatso

I still like to think of myself as a proper JT. Mech Mech from the start and proud of the fact. Had to work for years to get any hint of a fitters course though. Nowadays all you have to do is get your merc dealership badge. Wait a few years and poof. Your a Corporal. I know there are a few good SAC'T,s out there. However most of them I presume were Mech Mech's also, and were shafted well and truly by the RAF. Well that me rant over, any others?
I still like to think of myself as a proper JT. Mech Mech from the start and proud of the fact. Had to work for years to get any hint of a fitters course though. Nowadays all you have to do is get your merc dealership badge. Wait a few years and poof. Your a Corporal. I know there are a few good SAC'T,s out there. However most of them I presume were Mech Mech's also, and were shafted well and truly by the RAF. Well that me rant over, any others?

I was a mech mech and like many people who joined up around the same time as me got royally shafted and ended up with a mercedes badge instead of the four props. There's only one JT left at our place, the rest are all SAC'Ts, a couple of them are mech mechs but the rest are all BTA's. Some of them are top guys but there are some who are total cnuts.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Sorry fella, but mech (mech) and mech (tech) don't count as real JT's. The only true JT's are peeps who were A mech P/A/W's ect, so get some time in.

Completely wrong

The only true JTs were the ones who used to be

A Fitt A
A Fitt P
L Fitt AC
L Fitt NI

and the Gods that were L Fitt AR

End of


Captain Gatso

Sorry fella, but mech (mech) and mech (tech) don't count as real JT's. The only true JT's are peeps who were A mech P/A/W's ect, so get some time in.

Fair enough point, however what I want to know is how long you have had to serve, to get some time in? I have been in the mob now for over ten years. Does that count at all?:PDT_Xtremez_28:
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Sorry fella, but mech (mech) and mech (tech) don't count as real JT's. The only true JT's are peeps who were A mech P/A/W's ect, so get some time in.

ahh god bless you, begining to think NO Proper JT`s left then, reading this post.

i came out in june 96:PDT_Xtremez_35: not by choice jioned the wrong yr, 84, when they only offered mechs 6yrs, then got 9yrs, then 12yrs.

then it was the big cutbacks, so no more tapes and no signing on JT`s for 22, just got rid of RAF`s major `experience hub` just by sayin bye bye after 12yrs and heres your 6k
